Welcome back everyone, 

    this past week I did a very interesting experiment on myself to see what habits i had in social media, which apps I use most and why I was getting on those apps. It was interesting because when recording the data it was amazing to see all I really did on my phone and that was look at Instagram, tik tok,  and Twitter really.  This amazes me because I do not have much free time outside of practicing and traveling for basketball that all in my free time I spend entertaining myself with this type of media. Instagram is one of my favorite forms of media because it is a great way to connect with friends and see what they are doing in their lives. two it is also a great way for me to get my up-to-date media. I like looking at sports news and sports highlights on Instagram. next is good ole tik tok. I normally watch tik tok before bed because it is a great source of video entertainment and comedy. tik tok just brings humor to my life whenever I watch it and I love to laugh.  Twitter i use just like Instagram but mainly for my sports things because I feel like this is the fastest way to news now. something happens it is automatically trending and being talked about all over twitter. 


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