Hello Everyone,

    This week I want to talk about social media and how I use my different media profiles to project who I really am. When looking at the social media that I use such as Instagram, Twitter, and tik tok I use all of these differently when posting. when I am on Instagram I like to be seen as a kind of influencer because I am an athlete I feel as if sometimes kids that come to our basketball games view my profile and I want to show what it could take to be where i am. I feel i use Instagram to be an influencer because I can reach so many accounts and also meet other influencers around college basketball. it helps build a base where most athletes tend to be using their social media to build fans and their names. but being an influencer online can have some downfalls to it when trying to make an impression on people. one downfall I feel is really important people can not tell who you really are through Instagram it is not the same because face to face interactions you can tell how someone acts see their expressions. On social media, we can see people posting one thing but they could be the total opposite of what they post. 


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